Flomilk Plus

Technological adjuvant of latest generation composed of right mix of acid salt that allows a multiple use, in whey and/or milk used into ricotta cheese production, improving especially the taste and the yield. It is available in powder and liquid
Bag kg 20
Tank kg 25
IBC kg 1200
Granular Calcium Chloride 94-97%

Commonly used to increase the level of calcium in milk, improving its ability to pre-coagulate. Its use is particularly useful following heat treatments that tend to change the normal balance between the ionic and colloidal form of calcium.
Bag kg 25
LaC 80

Balanced mixture of acids used to improve the bacteriostatic action of the steering fluid in the dairy sector.
To the bacteriostatic action is added an improvement in the aromatic profile and taste of mozzarella determined by the combined and balanced action of acids.
Preserving liquid
Dairy products
Tank kg 25
IBC kg 1200

Karmel lactase, used for removing lactose, contains the enzyme β – galactosidase obtained by fermentation of a non-pathogenic strain of bacillus licheniformis. The enzyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of lactose disaccharide in its two constituent monosaccharides, glucose and galactose.
Milk products
Bottle kg 1
Tank kg 5
Tank kg 25
Lactic Acid 80% – E270

Produced by the traditional fermentation of carbohydrates, it comes in the form of a colourless liquid, with a slightly acidic taste, easily biodegradable.
In addition to being used as an antioxidant, acidifying or flavor enhancer, it counteracts the development of unwanted microorganisms.
Dairy products
Tank kg 25
IBC kg 1200
Liquid Calcium Chloride

Commonly used to increase the level of calcium in milk, improving its ability to pre-coagulate. Its use is particularly useful following heat treatments that tend to change the normal balance between the ionic and colloidal form of calcium.
Tank kg 25
IBC kg 1340
Milk Protein

Skimmed and dried milk protein concentrate
Dairy products
Bakery products
Sports nutrition
Ice creams
Bag kg 20
Protective -F

Composed of milk proteins, salts and cultures; used to keep the outside of mozzarella shiny and uniform, it regulates the osmotic exchange and counteracts the development of contaminants, improving the preservation of the product
Preserving liquid
Bag gr 500
Bag gr 5000
Ricotta cheese – Flomilk 100

Technological adjuvant used for the surfacing of ricotta, both for whey derived from buffalo and cow’s milk, positively affecting the yield.
Bag kg 20
Ricotta cheese Salt- Sali Mix

Adjuvant food technology composed of calcium hydroxide, used as an acidity regulator in whey favoring an optimal emergence of ricotta.
Bag kg 15